Therapies and Pricing
Holistic Massage
A personalised massage treatment to work on areas of tension and restore balance to the body and mind.
Reflexology is a method for activating healing powers of the body through pressure points of the feet and/or hands. It reduces stress and induces deep relaxation, improves circulation, cleanses the body of toxins and impurities, balances the whole system.
Naturopathic Nutrition
Naturopathy or Nature Cure believes in the fundamental principle of the healing power of nature. The body is supremely balanced to function with the help of eleven different systems, like digestive system, cardiovascular system, nervous system etc. When a system or more are under stress for various reasons not the least through the kind of food (fuel) we give our body, we develop symptoms.
Naturopathic nutrition attempts to re-balance the systems through whole foods and possibly supplements to give the body the greatest chance to heal itself.
Before massage and reflexology treatments there will be a 15 minute consultation to assure the best possible care will be given and the treatment will be tailored to the specific needs of the client.
Therapists are fully insured and qualified.
£85 for 90 minutes
£65 for 60 minutes
£35 for 30 minutes -
£55 for 50 minutes
Initial consultation (up to 2hrs) £120
Follow up consultation (40mins) £50